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Figure 8 | Neural Development

Figure 8

From: Multidendritic sensory neurons in the adult Drosophila abdomen: origins, dendritic morphology, and segment- and age-dependent programmed cell death

Figure 8

ddaE in A5 started regeneration of dendrites and then degenerated. (A) A whole-mount of a pharate adult female of genotype UAS-mCD8::GFP/+; C161Gal4/+. Yellow arrows in A2 to A4 point to cell bodies of ddaE, and blue arrows to dendrites of dorsal bipolar dendrite (dbd) neurons. (B-G) Time-lapse recordings of a tergite of A4 and A5 of genotype UAS-mCD8::GFP/UAS-mCD8::GFP; C161 UAS-mCD8::GFP/TM3 Ser Sb from 45 h after puparium formation (APF) (B) to 62 h APF (G). Yellow, magenta, and blue arrows indicate ddaE, ddaC, and dbd, respectively. A4 and A5 were identified by the respective presence and absence of a larval persisting muscle (the dorsal internal oblique muscle 3 (DIOM3); yellow asterisks) [43]. A branch of ddaE in A5 was degraded at 46 h APF (yellow bracket in (C)), and then the cell body started condensation (right yellow arrow in (D); see also Additional file 5). Scale bars: 50 μm (A, B-G).

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