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Fig. 9 | Neural Development

Fig. 9

From: The development of the adult nervous system in the annelid Owenia fusiformis

Fig. 9

Neuropeptide-lir elements in the head of adults. CLSM images of DAPI (cyan) and neuropeptide-lir (red or white) elements. a, c, e, g ventral views; b, d, f, h dorsal views. a, c, e, g The FVamide-lir, RYamide-lir, RGWamide-lir and MIP-lir brain ring (br) is connected via lateral medullary cords (lmc) to the ventral nerve cord (vnc) at the position of the thorax (th). Each tentacle of the head contains a basiepidermal nerve plexus (tp), which projects from the brain. b, d, f, h Posterior to the head there is a dorsal nerve plexus (dnp). Surrounding each eye are clusters of somata oriented in an anterior-lateral (als) and posterior-lateral position (pls) position, showing FVamide-lir, RYamide-lir, and MIP-lir. als: anterio-lateral somata; br: brain; ch: chaetae; co: collar; dorsal nerve plexus: dnp; ey: eye; lmc: lateral medullary cord; lml: lower mouth lip; pls: posterior-lateral somata; tc: tentacle crown; th: thorax; tp: tentacle plexus; vnc: ventral nerve cord

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