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Fig. 7 | Neural Development

Fig. 7

From: The development of the adult nervous system in the annelid Owenia fusiformis

Fig. 7

Neural development during metamorphosis. DIC images showing expression of soxC, pou4, six3/6, otx, nk2.1 and ChAt. a, c, e, g, i Lateral views; b, d, f, h, j, ventral views. Insets are close ups focusing on the brain of the corresponding larger images. asoxC, esix3/6 and kChAT are expressed in the brain (br). asoxC is expressed throughout the trunk, the foregut (fg), and in the putative growth zone (gz). esix3/6 and ink2.1 are expressed on the dorsal side of the foregut, while gotx is expressed in the boundary between foregut and midgut (white arrow). an: anus; br: brain; cc: circumesophageal connectives; cts: ciliated thoracic segments; dr: dorsal root; fg: foregut; fgn: foregut nerve; lmc: lateral medullary cords; lml: lower mouth lip; np: brain neuropil; pgo: parapodial glandular organ 14; pr: prototrochal ring; pt: prototroch; vnc: ventral nerve cord; vr: ventral root

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