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Fig. 6 | Neural Development

Fig. 6

From: The development of the adult nervous system in the annelid Owenia fusiformis

Fig. 6

Neuropeptide-lir elements during metamorphosis. CLSM images of DAPI (cyan) and neuropeptide+ (red or white) elements during metamorphosis (~ 3–4 wpf). Ventral views, with anterior to the top. cd, gh, kl, op are close ups of the apical organ and brain in the same view as the respective larger image in ab, ef, ij, mn. ab, ef, ij, mn The brain connects with the ventral nerve cord (vnc), via circumesophageal connectives (lateral medullary cords [22] at the trunk thorax, made out of three ciliated thoracis segments (cts). Iterated ab FVamide-lir, ef RYamide-lir and mn MIP-lir neurons and transverse lateral nerves are present in the segments of the trunk. i–j RWG labels the parapodial glandular organs (pgos). Double yellow line marks the division between thoracic and abdominal segments. ao: apical organ; ar: apical nerve ring; br: brain; cc: circumesophageal connectives; cts: ciliated thoracic segments; dr: dorsal root; fg: foregut; fgn: foregut nerve; lmc: lateral medullary cords; lml: lower mouth lip; np: brain neuropil; pgo: parapodial glandular organ 14; pr: prototrochal ring; pt: prototroch; vnc: ventral nerve cord; vr: ventral root

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