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Fig. 4 | Neural Development

Fig. 4

From: The development of the adult nervous system in the annelid Owenia fusiformis

Fig. 4

Neuropeptide-lir elements in the competent larvae. CLSM images of DAPI (cyan), acetylated tubulin (yellow) and neuropeptide-lir (red or white) elements in the competent larvae (~ 3 wpf). Apical views, with anterior to the top. cf, il, op and s–v are close ups of the foregut or apical organ in the same view as the respective larger image in b, h, n, r. ab, ef FVamide-lir cells and qr, uv MIP-lir cells in the apical organ connect via FVamide-lir and MIP circumesophageal connectives (cc) to the ventral nerve cord (vnc) of the juvenile trunk rudiment (jr) (See Additional file 3: Supplementary Fig. 3), and via ab FVamide-lir, gh RYamide-lir and qr MIP-lir frontal (fn), dorsal (dn) and peripheral nerves (orange arrow heads) to the ab FVamide-lir, gh RYamide-lir and qr MIP-lir prototrochal ring (pr). An ef FVamide-lir, ij RYamide-lir and uv MIP-lir apical nerve ring (ar) surrounds the apical tuft. The foregut is innervated by ad FVamide-lir cells and neurites. kl RYamide-lir axons form a neuropil between two brain lobes (rbl–lbl) underneath the apical organ. mp RGWamide-lir cells remain only in the apical organ. Arrow in r, t is presumably background anus; ao: apical organ; ar: apical nerve ring; at: apical tuft; br: brain; cc: circumesophageal connectives; chn: chaetal sac nerve; cs: chaetal sac; dn: dorsal nerve; dr: dorsal root; fg: foregut; fgn: foregut nerve; fn: frontal nerve; jr: juvenile rudiment; mg: midgut; mo: mouth; np: brain neuropil; pr: prototrochal ring; pt: prototroch; vr: ventral root

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