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Fig. 3 | Neural Development

Fig. 3

From: A subpopulation of astrocyte progenitors defined by Sonic hedgehog signaling

Fig. 3

A subpopulation of astrocyte progenitors in the SVZ express Gli1. A Distribution of tdTom (red) in the cortex of adult (P60) Gli1CreER/+;Ai14 mouse marked at P0. Scale bar, 100 μm. B-E Single channel, confocal images of tdTom (B, red) and S100β (C, green) identifying marked cells as astrocytes. Counterstained with DAPI (D, blue). Merged image shown in E. Arrowhead, double labeled cell; arrows, single labeled cells. Scale bar, 25 μm F The fraction of cortical astrocytes in the Gli1 lineage (n = 1371 cells from 2 animals). G Tracing of a P0 brain section highlighting the dlSVZ (red inset). H The fraction of Sox9 labeled cells in the dlSVZ co-labeled with βGal at P0 (n = 8358 cells from 5 animals). I-J Double labeling for βGal (red) and the astrocyte progenitor markers BLBP (I, green) or Sox9 (J, green) in the dlSVZ of Gli1nlacZ/+ mice at P0. Counterstained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar, 25 um. Images taken from red inset shown in G. Bars represent mean ± SEM, data points represent individual animals

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