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Fig. 7 | Neural Development

Fig. 7

From: Neuronal Dystroglycan regulates postnatal development of CCK/cannabinoid receptor-1 interneurons

Fig. 7

Post-developmental maintenance of CCK+ interneurons does not require Dystroglycan. (a) Breeding scheme and experimental approach for generating tamoxifen-inducible Dystroglycan conditional knockout mice. Dag1Ctrl;Camk2aCreERT2;Ai9 and Dag1icKO;Camk2aCreERT2;Ai9 mice were treated with tamoxifen (5 mg/ml) at P23 and brains were collected for immunohistochemistry 6 weeks later at P65. (b) Single channel images of tdTomato staining in the hippocampus show the recombination pattern in PyNs. Insets show enlarged view of tdT+ pyramidal neurons in the CA1. (c) Immunostaining for CB1R+ terminals (green) and tdTomato signal (magenta) in the hippocampus of P65 Dag1Ctrl;Camk2aCreERT2;Ai9 (left panels) and Dag1icKO;Camk2aCreERT2;Ai9 mice (right panels) shows that the deletion of Dystroglycan in adult PyNs does not affect CB1R+ terminal maintenance. (d) Quantification of CB1R pixels in hippocampal CA1 of Dag1Ctrl;Camk2aCreERT2;Ai9 (gray) and Dag1icKO;Camk2aCreERT2;Ai9 (pink) mice (n.s. = not significant, unpaired two-tailed Student’s t-test; n = 3 mice/genotype). Data are presented as mean values ± s.e.m. Data are normalized to Dag1Control signal in each layer. SO, stratum oriens; SP, stratum pyramidale; SR, stratum radiatum

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