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Table 2 Key regulators and their function in the development of the autonomic nervous system

From: Sympathetic tales: subdivisons of the autonomic nervous system and the impact of developmental studies




Preganglionic neurons

 Phox2b, Phox2aa


















Postganglionic neurons
















 Hmx2 and 3r



  1. In this table transcriptional regulators are shown which are differentially expressed between preganglionic and postganglionic autonomic neurons at different levels of the rostrocaudal axis
  2. aprogenitor domain specific expression [228]; neuronal differentiation, subtype specific marker expression [89, 229]; cell cycle exit promotion, controls migration to mantle layer [229]; pan neuronal induction, synchronization of subtype specification; repression of Olig 2 expression [175], neurite outgrowth, neuronal migration [176], promotion of TBX 20 and TBX 2 expression [152]; requirement for preganglionic neuron development [154]
  3. bprogenitor domain specific expression; neuronal glial subtype choice [230, 231]; requirement for preganglionic neuron development [154]
  4. crequirement for preganglonic neuron development [154]
  5. dmRNA in embryonic mouse spinal cord caudal to T3; area of postmitotic cells [232]; protein in chick embryo; caudal brachial through thoracic; area of postmitotic cells [233]; expression in progenitors, differentiation requirement, neuronal migration [234]; axonal projection [235]; control of FoxP1 expression [235, 236]
  6. eembryonic expression [154, 237]; cell migration [177]
  7. fembryonic expression [154, 236]; segregation of motor neuron fates [236, 238]; axon projection [238]
  8. gembryonic expression [154]
  9. hexpression in somatic motoneurons (sm) but not in visceromotor (vm) or branchiomotor (bm) neurons in the hindbrain [227, 239, 240]; sm and vm/bm neurons at hindbrain levels are derived from different progenitors, whereas both are derived from the same progenitor in the spinal cord [212]; transient Isl2 expression required for preganglionic neuron development [212]
  10. iexpression in embryonic mouse sympathetic ganglia [241]; differential expression in cranial parasympathetic versus sympathetic ganglia in mouse embryo [154]; lethality in mutant embryos, noradrenaline deficiency [242]; disturbed differentiation in mutant embryos [173, 225]; survival requirement in embryos and adult animals [174]
  11. jexpression in pelvic ganglion [154]
  12. kexpression in mouse SCG during embryonic, postnatal and adult stage, survival requirement, regulates TrkA expression [243]; embryonic expression in mouse sympathetic ganglia [154]
  13. lexpression in embryonic pelvic ganglion [154]
  14. mHand2 is expressed in the mouse sphenopalatine ganglion and is not connected to noradrenergic phenotype expression [147]; absence from majority of embryonic chick ciliary neurons [146, 148]
  15. nexpression in chick sympathetic ganglia [244];cross-regulation with Phox2b, noradrenergic induction [226]; Hand1 induction [223, 245]; Th and Dbh induction [150, 223, 224]; maintenance of Th and Dbh expression [149]
  16. oexpression in chick embryonic sympathetic ganglia, absence from embryonic chick ciliary ganglia, Hand2 induction in neural crest progenitors, Th and Dbh inductionin neural crest progenitors [148]
  17. ptransient expression in mouse ciliary ganglion [246]
  18. qmaintained expression in mouse sympathetic ganglia, required for TrkA expression, for Th maintenance, not for Vmat2 and Dbh [143]
  19. rexpression in mouse parasympathetic ganglia but not in mouse sympathetic and pelvic ganglia [154]
  20. nd Not determined