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Figure 6 | Neural Development

Figure 6

From: Development of dendrite polarity in Drosophila neurons

Figure 6

Few ANF-GFP punctae are localized to dendrites. (A) To localize ANF-GFP at different stages of dendrite development, it was expressed in all neurons together with mCD8-RFP using elav-Gal4. Examples of embryos at stage 4 and 5 are shown, as well as 2-day-old larvae. The ddaE neuron cell body is indicated with an arrow and examples of ANF-GFP punctae are indicated with arrowheads. To compare the numbers of ANF-GFP punctae in embryonic and larval dendrites, the total number of punctae in the dorsal comb-shaped dendrite of the ddaE neuron was counted in stage 5 neurons and neurons of 2-day-old larvae. The average number of punctae was calculated. The error bars show the standard deviation, the number of cells analyzed is listed within the bars on the graph, and the P value was calculated with a t-test. (B) ANF-GFP was expressed in class I da neurons with the 221-Gal4 driver in conjunction with mCD8-RFP, dicer2, and large hairpin RNAs targeting either Rtnl2 (control) or Kap3. After overnight collection, animals were aged for 3 days at 25°C before imaging. Example images of both genotypes are shown. The number of ANF-GFP punctae in the ddaE comb dendrite beyond the first branch point was counted. Averages and standard deviations are shown in the graph.

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