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Figure 4 | Neural Development

Figure 4

From: Neurogenesis in the central olfactory pathway of adult decapod crustaceans: development of the neurogenic niche in the brains of procambarid crayfish

Figure 4

Hatching and postembryonic stages, the emergence of the protoniche. (A-F) S-phase labeling with EdU (green), and immunohistochemistry for tyrosinated tubulin (white; confocal laser-scan images). (A) Overview of the brain during hatching/POI showing the transverse deutocerebral band of mitotic cells (encircled). (B) Higher magnification of the transverse band and the forming protoniche close to the giant neuron (GN) in the left side of the brain. (C-E) Two additional specimens showing the transverse band of mitotic cells and the protoniche in the left side of the brain. Panels (D, F) show the green channels only (EdU) of (C, E), respectively. In contrast to the numbers of dividing cells in the cap, the protoniche contains fewer and smaller EdU+ cells ( arrowheads in B, C, E). (G, H) Immunostaining for glutamine synthetase (in white), a glia cell marker, shows how the main structures of the neurogenic system (the protoniche and cap) all display immunolabeling, from the beginning of the post-embryonic life (G) to the POII stage (H) (both panels show the left side of the brain). Abbreviations: cl 10, cell cluster 10; GN, medial giant neuron. Scale bars: 100 μm (A), 20 μm (B-H).

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