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Figure 3 | Neural Development

Figure 3

From: Bazooka mediates secondary axon morphology in Drosophila brain lineages

Figure 3

Lineage-specific accumulation of Bazooka:green fluorescent protein (Baz:GFP). Third instar brains expressing mcd8GFP (top row) or Bazooka:GFP (bottom row) under the control of (A,B) atonal- GAL4 (C-G) or period- GAL4 and stained with anti-Drosophila N-cadherin (magenta). One hemisphere of each is shown. (A) atonal- GAL4>UAS-mcd8GFP expression in the BLD5 lineage showing tract projection toward the midline (arrow). (B) atonal- GAL4>UAS-Baz:GFP expression showing Baz:GFP sequestration to the proximal axon domain; no Baz:GFP is visualized in the medial projecting portion of the tract (arrow). (C) Mosaic analysis with a repressible cell marker (MARCM) clone in the BAla1 lineage with period- GAL4>UAS-mcd8GFP visualization. (D) period- GAL4>UAS-Baz:GFP expression showing Baz:GFP accumulation at a small proximal domain along the SAT and at the distal growth cone (arrows). (E,F) MARCM clone in (E) the BAmv1 and (F) DALv2 lineages visualized with period- GAL4>UAS-mcd8GFP. (F) period- GAL4>UAS-Baz:GFP expression showing Baz:GFP continuous expression throughout the BAmv1 and DALv2 SATs. (H) Cartoon depicting the various types of Baz:GFP (green) accumulation seen across the different lineages. Scale bar: 25 μm

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