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Fig. 7 | Neural Development

Fig. 7

From: Dpr10 and Nocte are required for Drosophila motor axon pathfinding

Fig. 7

Tissue specific knockdown of nocte using RNAi. (A-A′) w1118 control animals depicting the normal ISNb projection over m13 before innervating m12 (n = 90). Neurons were labeled by staining for HRP (magenta) and postsynapses labeled by staining for DLG (green). Scale bar = 50 μm. (B-B′) Mef2-GAL4 x UAS-nocte-RNAix2 results in modest misrouting (n = 125). Here, the m12 ISNb branch for travels under m13. (C-C′) Elav-GAL4 x UAS-nocte-RNAix2 led to significant misrouting of the ISNb (n = 134). Here, the MN12-Ib innervates from the dorsal side rather than the ventral side. (D) Quantification of the frequency of ISNb pathfinding defects in the respective genotypes. Note that knockdown of nocte in neurons (Elav > RNAi) significantly increased pathfinding defects. **p < 0.01

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