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Fig. 2 | Neural Development

Fig. 2

From: Enhancer of trithorax/polycomb, Corto, regulates timing of hunchback gene relocation and competence in Drosophila neuroblasts

Fig. 2

hb gene relocation to neuroblast nuclear lamina is delayed in corto mutants. A Single z-plane through nucleus of representative neuroblast from intact stage 12 and 15, wild type or corto mutant (cortoL1) embryos, selected at the location of the brightest part of a hb DNA FISH signal (green spot). Immunostaining of lamin (magenta), and Worniu (pan-neuroblast, blue) shows position of hb loci within the three-dimensional space of neuroblast nuclei. Higher magnification of hb loci within neuroblast nucleus shown to the right of each FISH image; worniu is not shown for clarity. B Fraction of hb loci at the nuclear lamina (pixel-overlapping with lamin signal) quantified from wild type and corto mutant embryo neuroblasts across development. Each data point in line graph is the average fraction of hb loci at the lamina among multiple embryos (number of hb loci and embryos quantified shown below each stage). NS, not significant. Bar graphs to the right show mean fraction of hb loci either i) at lamin or ii) within 0.4µm from lamin. Each data point in bar graphs represents a single embryo. All data are represented as mean ± SD

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