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Fig. 1 | Neural Development

Fig. 1

From: Genetic interplay between transcription factor Pou4f1/Brn3a and neurotrophin receptor Ret in retinal ganglion cell type specification

Fig. 1

Experimental Timelines of Sparse Random recombination in Ret+Brn3a+ RGCs. The genotypes and timelines for 4-HT injection refer to experiments described in Figs. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. a Retinas from RetCreERt2/WT; Brn3aCKOAP/WT (left) and RetCreERt2/WT; Brn3aCKOAP/KO (right) mice, were injected with 4-HT to induce sparse random recombination. Recombined cells (black arbors) are either RetKO/WT; Brn3aKO/WT (RetCreERt2/WT; Brn3aAP/WT) on a RetKO/WT; Brn3aWT/WT background (left) or RetKO/WT; Brn3aKO/KO (RetCreERt2/WT; Brn3aAP/KO) on a RetKO/WT; Brn3aKO/WT background (right). b Timelines for experiments in a. Injections were i.p. either to the pregnant female (for E15), to postnatal pups (P0) or adult mice (P22). Retinas from E15 or P0 inductions were stained at two months postnatal (P60), while P22 induced animals were analyzed at 2 months post injection (P82). c Sparse random recombination approach in RetCreERt2/WT; Rosa26iAP/WT; Brn3aKO/WT (left) and RetCreERt2/WT; Rosa26iAP/WT; Brn3aWT/WT (right) retinas. After 4-HT induced recombination, RGCs are labelled by the Rosa26iAP/WT allele, but preserve the same genotype as the surrounding tissue: RetKO/WT; Brn3aKO/WT (left) or RetKO/WT; Brn3aWT/WT (right). d Timelines for experiments in c. Injections at E15 were i.p. to the pregnant female, and retinas of offspring were stained at two months postnatal (P60)

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