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Fig. 2 | Neural Development

Fig. 2

From: The first quarter of the C-terminal domain of Abelson regulates the WAVE regulatory complex and Enabled in axon guidance

Fig. 2

Hem and Sra-1 modify an Abl gain-of-function ISNb bypass phenotype. a Diagram of Abl, showing domains in grey, and WIRS (W), PxxP (P) and EVH1-binding (EVH1) motifs in red. b & b’ The ISNb (red) defasciculates from the intersegmental nerve (ISN) at a choice point (*). Overexpression of Abl causes ISNb bypass defects. c & c’ In a full bypass, the ISNb (arrow) fails to defasciculate from the ISN, while d & d’ in a partial bypass, the ISNb (arrow) defasciculates at a point more distal than expected. e ISNb bypass counts for Abl transgenes (WT, Δ1Q, Δ1E or no transgene, ∅) expressed with 1407-Gal4, and interaction of these transgenes with gain of Sra-1.f Bypass counts for interaction of Abl transgenes expressed with 1407-Gal4 with heterozygous loss of Hem or Sra-1. All counts are of individual hemisegments from 10 or more embryos, repeated over 3 or more sets of embryo collections; the n-value represents total hemisegments counted. Confidence intervals given are for penetrance of the phenotype. The direction of crosses is reversed between e and f due to a balancer-induced maternal effect (see methods)

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