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Fig. 6 | Neural Development

Fig. 6

From: Identification and characterization of early photoreceptor cis-regulatory elements and their relation to Onecut1

Fig. 6

Effects of OC1-EnR on Photoreceptor CREs. a-h Flow cytometry examples of Stagia3 reporter constructs in response to OC1-EnR in the chicken retina. GFP reporter expression is measured along the y-axis and TdTomato (from UbiC::TdT) along the x-axis. The P6 gate marks unambiguous GFP, TdTomato double-positive cells. i Bar plot of the percentage of GFP-positive cells in the electroporated population for each Stagia3 reporter shown along the x-axis. Error bars represent S.E.M. from N > 3 biological replicates. Statistical analysis was performed with a student t-test or a Mann-Whitney t-test if tests of Normality (Shapiro-Wilk) or tests of Equality of Variances (Levene’s) were significant. p-values denoted as < 0.05(*). < 0.01(**). < 0.001(***). Only groups in which the displayed and replicate groups were significant are denoted as significant. j Fold change (F.C.) of the reporter noted along the x-axis calculated by dividing the OC1-EnR averages of GFP-positive cells by the average in response to the EnR control. k Fold change plot for the Nr2e3Enh3 and cow Rhodopsin elements as in J, but with an extended scale

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