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Fig. 3 | Neural Development

Fig. 3

From: Semaphorin-Plexin signaling influences early ventral telencephalic development and thalamocortical axon guidance

Fig. 3

Expression of Sema6a, Plxna2 and Plxna4 mRNA in the E14.5 mouse forebrain. Levels of mRNA expression were detected by in situ hybridization with antisense (as) RNA probes. a–d mRNA expression in the dTh of E14.5 mouse brains. a Schematic representation of a coronal E14.5 section indicating the approximate region of interest (boxed area); TCAs are represented in red. b–d Sema6a is strongly expressed in both lateral (grey arrows) and medial (black arrows) dTh (b); in contrast, Plxna2 and Plxna4 are highly transcribed only in the medial dTh (c, d). e–h mRNA expression in the subpallium (vTel) of E14.5 mouse brains. e Schematic representation of a coronal E14.5 section indicating the approximate region of interest (boxed area); TCAs are represented in red. (f–h) Sema6a is highly expressed in areas surrounding the IC (asterisks), in the pial surface of the vTel, and the ventricular zone; it is also moderately transcribed in subventricular subpallial regions (f). Plxna2 shows maximum expression in the globus pallidus, ventral to the IC, and strong expression levels in subventricular and mantle layers (g), while Plxna4 is highly transcribed in two discrete bands located dorsal and ventral to the IC (h). Scale: a–d, 500 μm; e–h, 500 μm. Coronal section schemes adapted from López-Bendito et al. [22]

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