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Fig. 2 | Neural Development

Fig. 2

From: Differential timing of granule cell production during cerebellum development underlies generation of the foliation pattern

Fig. 2

The percentage of labeled molecular layer reflects the proportion of gcs produced after tamoxifen injection. a-b Adjacent sagittal midline sections of a P28 Atoh1-tau Cb after Tm administration at P8 stained for X-gal to visualize the nuclei of marked gcs in the IGL (a) and for GFP DAB immunostaining to visualize the position of the axons of the marked gcs in the ml (b). The density of labeled nuclei was quantified in the area indicated by the red box. The % of labeled ml area was calculated as the percentage of the ml area (outlined in blue) occupied by labeled axons (outlined in blue and green) in a corresponding region on the adjacent section. c quantification of the density of labeled cell bodies (red) and of the % of labeled ml (blue) calculated in corresponding portions of the anterior (a) and posterior (p) wall of each lobule on adjacent sections such as in (a) and (b). 3 pairs of adjacent sections were quantified showing a strong correlation between the density of labeled cell bodies and the percentage of ML labeled. IGL: internal granule cell layer, ml: molecular layer, wm: white matter, AZ: anterior zone, CZ: central zone, PZ: posterior zone, NZ: nodular zone

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