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Fig. 1 | Neural Development

Fig. 1

From: Molecular and behavioral profiling of Dbx1-derived neurons in the arcuate, lateral and ventromedial hypothalamic nuclei

Fig. 1

Hypothalamic Dbx1 expression and fate. a-f Schematic of rostral (top) to caudal (bottom) coronal views of the embryonic forebrain. g-j Schematic of medial (top) to lateral (bottom) sagittal views of the embryonic forebrain. (A.i-F.i) As shown by ISH at E11.5, Dbx1 is expressed throughout the rostral-caudal extent of the developing hypothalamus including in the preoptic, anterior, tuberal and mammillary progenitor domains. (A.ii-F.ii; G.i-J.i) As shown by YFP expression in E13.5 (A.ii-F.ii) and E15.5 (G.i-J.i). Dbx1 Cre ;Rosa26YFP embryos, Dbx1-derived cells emerge from progenitor domains and coalesce in multiple emerging hypothalamic nuclei. Abbreviations: ah (embryonic anterior hypothalamus); arc (embryonic arcuate nucleus); lh (embryonic lateral hypothalamus); mn (embryonic mammillary nucleus); poa (embryonic postnatal preoptic area); pvn (embryonic paraventricular nucleus); vmh (embryonic ventral medial hypothalamus). The scale bar represents 500 μm for coronal (a-f) and sagittal (g-j) sections

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