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Fig. 3 | Neural Development

Fig. 3

From: Rac1 plays an essential role in axon growth and guidance and in neuronal survival in the central and peripheral nervous systems

Fig. 3

Motor nerve defects in Olig2-Cre;Rac1 CKO/− embryos revealed by Hb9-GFP. a–f’ GFP and neurofilament (NF) immunostaining of E13.5 embryo sections shows a greatly reduced VIth nerve (arrow in (a) vs. arrowhead in (a’)); unaffected VIIth nerve axons (top two arrows in (b) and (b’)), decreased numbers of VIth, Xth, and XIIth motor neurons (lower two arrows in (b) and arrows in (c) vs. arrowheads in (b’) and (c’)); failure of the XIIth nerve to innerve the tongue (arrows in (d) vs. arrowheads in (d’)); and thinned MMC (arrow in (e) vs. arrowhead in (e’)), PGC (upper arrow in (f) vs. upper arrowhead in (f’)), and HMC (lower arrow in (f) vs. lower arrowhead in (f’)) axon bundles. HMC hypaxial motor column, MMC medial motor column, PGC preganglionic motor column. A anterior, P posterior, D dorsal, V ventral. N = 2 for each genotype. Scale bars, 100 μm. g Planes of sections in (a–f’)

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