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Figure 2 | Neural Development

Figure 2

From: Dynamic regulation of mRNA decay during neural development

Figure 2

Pros > UPRT TU-tagging purifies neural mRNAs from embryos. (A) Prospero-GAL4 driving UAS-GFP::lacZ.nls (encoding a nuclear-localized GFP-β-galactosidase fusion) in the embryonic central nervous system shows the expression pattern of prospero-GAL4. Anti-Prospero = magenta, anti-β-galactosidase = green. (B) RNA in situ hybridization for eight genes identified as nervous system-enriched by TU-tagging. Gene annotation symbols are listed in the top panel. Top panel = ventral view. Bottom panel = lateral view. Developmental stage is listed in the lower right corner of each embryo image. (C) Relative abundance of mesoderm or muscle-specific mRNAs and neural-specific mRNAs in 1-hour pulse-labeled TU-RNA samples. ** = FDR ≤0.20, * = FDR ≤0.40 based on SAM analysis. (D) Gene ontology categories depleted from neural TU-RNA samples (mRNAs below detection in the 1-hour pulse pros > UPRT TU-RNA microarrays but present in 1-hour pulse whole embryo TU-RNA microarrays). All categories were significantly depleted at P values ≤ 1.0 × 10−4 based on DAVID analysis.

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