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Figure 6 | Neural Development

Figure 6

From: Establishment of the neurogenic boundary of the mouse retina requires cooperation of SOX2 and WNT signaling

Figure 6

Sox2- mutant retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) take longer to complete the cell cycle. TS and TC were quantified in control and Sox2 single-mutant RPCs at E14.5 and E16.5. (A-J) Co-labeling with BrdU and IdU indicates which cells have finished S-phase during the protocol (green only, arrows) and which cells remain in S-phase (yellow, arrowheads) in wild-type (A-G) and mutant (C-J) optic cups (OCs). (K, L) Both TS and TC are significantly longer in mutant RPCs compared with controls at E14.5 (K). AT E16.5, TS and TC vary between central and peripheral mutant RPCs (L). TS is significantly longer in peripheral RPCs of mutants compared with controls. TC is significantly longer in both central and peripheral RPCs of mutants compared with controls. (E-J) are high power magnifications of (A-D). Scale bars: D (for A-D): 100 μm; J (for E-J): 50 μm.

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