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Figure 6 | Neural Development

Figure 6

From: Neurosensory development and cell fate determination in the human cochlea

Figure 6

Dynamics of Peripherin (PRPH)-positive and class III β-Tubulin (TUBB3)-positive neurites during organ of Corti (OC) maturation. (A,B) Middle turn of a W14 (week 14) cochlea immunostained for (A) PRPH (green) and TUBB3 (red) and (B) MYO7A (red). (C,D) Basal turn of a W14 cochlea immunostained for (C) PRPH and TUBB3 and (D) MYO7A. (E,F) Basal turn of a W15 cochlea immunostained for (E) PRPH and TUBB3 and (F) MYO7A. (G) Basal turn of a W18 cochlea immunostained for PRPH and TUBB3. (H) Basal turn of a W20.3 cochlea immunostained for PRPH and TUBB3. Cell nuclei were visualized with DAPI (blue). Bracket, the prosensory domain/OC; arrowhead, inner hair cell. Abbreviations: KO, Kölliker’s organ; IHC, inner hair cell; O1, first row of outer hair cells; O2, second row of outer hair cells; O3, third row of outer hair cells. Scale bars = 20 μm.

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