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Figure 8 | Neural Development

Figure 8

From: Sonic hedgehog lineage in the mouse hypothalamus: from progenitor domains to hypothalamic regions

Figure 8

Distribution of Shh-lineage cells from the different progenitor domains in the mouse adult hypothalamus. (A) Adult mouse brain in sagittal view showing the hypothalamus (shaded gray). (B, D) Summary of distribution of cells fate-mapped at early and late stages. Magnified view of the shaded area showing the transverse hypothalamic subdivisions and some of the largest nuclei and Shh-lineage progenitor domains in the E12.5 neuroepithelium (small profiles; see also Figure 2). In the schematic of the adult hypothalamus, closed circles indicate neurons, open circles indicate astrocytes, and stars indicate tanycytes. (C, E) Transverse section through the adult tuberal hypothalamus. ac, anterior commissure; ARH, arcuate nucleus; DMH, dorsomedial nucleus; LH, lateral hypothalamus; LM, lateral mammillary nucleus; ME, median eminence; MM, medial portion of mammillary body; mth, mammillothalamic tract; ox, optic chiasm; PH, posterior hypothalamus; PMD, dorsal premammillary nucleus; PMV, ventral premammillary nucleus; PVH, paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus; SuM, supramammillary nucleus; TA, tuberal area; VMH, ventromedial nucleus.

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