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Figure 5 | Neural Development

Figure 5

From: Activity-dependent disruption of intersublaminar spaces and ABAKAN expression does not impact functional on and off organization in the ferret retinogeniculate system

Figure 5

Ferret VAChT-SAP treatment does not disrupt physiological On and Off organization in the dLGN. On and Off responsive units are located along runs of same center-type response in both saline and Ferret VAChT-SAP recovery animals. (A) Distributions of same center-type run lengths are not significantly different between the groups. (B) Nearest neighbor analysis of On and Off organization reveals that, for both saline and Ferret VAChT-SAP groups, On and Off units exhibit significantly greater clustering with neighbors of the same center-type than would be predicted by a randomized distribution of the cell populations. (C) The proportions of On/Off/Mixed responses recorded in the dLGNs of saline and Ferret VAChT-SAP cohorts are not different for any of the response types. Statistics in (C) reflect two-tailed P-values resulting from independent two-sample t-tests. N.S., not significant.

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