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Figure 5 | Neural Development

Figure 5

From: The chromatin remodeling factor Bap55 functions through the TIP60 complex to regulate olfactory projection neuron dendrite targeting

Figure 5

Other BRM complex component mutants do not exhibit the same phenotypes as Bap55 mutants. (A) Dendrites of brm-/-DL1 PNs mistarget to non-stereotyped areas of the antennal lobe. (B, C) brm-/-anterodorsal (B) and lateral (C) neuroblast clone PNs exhibit perturbed cell morphology, weak labeling, and dendrite mistargeting, with small meandering projections to incorrect glomeruli. (D) brm-/-ventral neuroblast clone PNs exhibit perturbed cell morphology, weak labeling, and a lack of innervation throughout the antennal lobe. (E) Dendrites of Snr1-/-DL1 PNs mistarget to non-stereotyped areas of the antennal lobe. (F, G) Snr1-/-anterodorsal (F) and lateral (G) neuroblast clone PNs exhibit perturbed cell morphology, weak labeling, and dendrite mistargeting, with small meandering projections to incorrect glomeruli. (H) Snr1-/-ventral neuroblast clone PNs exhibit perturbed cell morphology, weak labeling, and a lack of innervation throughout the antennal lobe. Green marks mCD8-GFP-labeled PNs generated by MARCM and labeled using GH146-GAL4. All panels show full confocal stacks; magenta is the presynaptic marker nc82; symbols are as in Figure 2. Scale bar: 20 μm in (A) (for A-H).

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