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Figure 4 | Neural Development

Figure 4

From: Drosophilatype II neuroblast lineages keep Prospero levels low to generate large clones that contribute to the adult brain central complex

Figure 4

Prospero misexpression suppresses INP proliferation. (A-C) Confocal images of third instar larval brains expressing mCD8::GFP (A) or mCD8::GFP and Pros (B,C) under 9D11-Gal4 stained for indicated markers (white boxes). Low magnification images of single brain lobes are presented in (A-C), and higher magnification images of boxed areas are presented in (A'-C'), respectively. White outlines represent the GFP-labeled areas. Type II NB are indicated with white arrows; mature INPs are small Dpn+ cells in white outlined areas. (D,E) Histograms showing number of INPs (D) and total cells (E) labeled by mCD8::GFP driven by 9D11-gal4 in control and prospero overexpression brains at 96 and 120 h ALH. (F,F') Three-dimensional reconstruction of medial (F) and lateral (F') views of a 120 h ALH brain lobe expressing mCD8::GFP and UAS-Prospero under control of 9D11-Gal4. Type II lineages and their axonal projections are shown in white, and the mushroom body, visualized by FasII, is shown in magenta. The optic lobe is removed and the brain cropped for a clearer view. Brains are in the orientations shown in the insets, with imaged lobes indicated with a white dashed line and their mushroom bodies shown. Orientation: d, dorsal; v, ventral; p, posterior; l, lateral; m, medial. Scale bars: (A-C) 50 μM; (A'-C') 10 μM; (F,F') 40 μM.

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