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Figure 3 | Neural Development

Figure 3

From: Glypican-1 controls brain size through regulation of fibroblast growth factor signaling in early neurogenesis

Figure 3

Cerebellar foliation defects in Gpc1 null mice. (A-F) Development of cerebellar foliation. Nissl-stained mid-sagittal sections are shown at postnatal days (P)0, 7 and 27. Lobes I to X are as marked in (H). As early as P7, a loss or severe reduction in folium one (red arrowhead) can be seen in Gpc1-/- mice. (G-J) Forebrain anatomy. Coronal sections at the level of the hippocampus (G, H) and septum (I, J) show that midline commissural tracts appear normal in Gpc1-/- mice. (K-N) Cerebellar lamination. Horizontal sections at P7 (K, L) and P27 (M, N) are shown. The appearance and thickness of the cellular and fiber tract layers are normal in Gpc1-/- mice. CC, corpus callosum; EGL, external granular layer; HC, hipocampal commissure; IGL, internal granular layer; ML, molecular layer; PL, purkinje cell layer; S, septum. Bars in (F, H, J) = 1 mm.

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