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Figure 4 | Neural Development

Figure 4

From: Drosophila olfactory local interneurons and projection neurons derive from a common neuroblast lineage specified by the empty spiracles gene

Figure 4

Three-dimensional reconstructions of lateral neuroblast (lNb) clones. (A) Reconstruction of the LN2-dual MARCM brain shown in Figure 2. The green cluster of cells represents the Tub-LexA::GAD; LexAop-rCD2::GFP marked lateral cluster clone containing projection neurons (PNs; evident from the green higher centre projection, inner antennocerebral tract (iACT), indicated by the white arrow). The GAL4-LN2 driven CD8 marked cells shown in blue are included within the cluster. Note that they seem to be clustered dorsally within the lateral cluster. The lobe is shaded green. (B) Reconstruction of the GH146-dual MARCM lobe. The entire lateral cluster is shown in bright green, and the GAL4-GH146 cells are shown in pink. The higher centre projection, iACT (green), is indicated by the white arrow. Note that GH146-PNs seem to be clustered within the clone with LN2 cells located more dorsal and unmarked cells located more ventrally. D, dorsal; P, posterior; L, lateral.

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