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Figure 3 | Neural Development

Figure 3

From: Fak56 functions downstream of integrin alphaPS3betanu and suppresses MAPK activation in neuromuscular junction growth

Figure 3

Role of Src and its genetic interaction with Fak56 during neuromuscular junction (NMJ) growth. (A-D) Images of NMJ 6/7 are shown as in Figure 1. Fak56N 30/KGmutants carrying one allele of Src42AE 1(A) or Src64BPI(B) displayed NMJ overgrowth phenotype. (C) NMJ phenotype in the severe Src mutant Src42AE 1/+;Src64BPI/PI. (D) NMJ phenotype of the Fak56N 30/K 24null mutant was enhanced by removing both one Src42AE 1and one Src64BPIallele. (E) Quantification of NMJ 6/7 phenotypes for Fak56N 30/KG(the same set of data as in Figure 2G), Src42AE 1/+Fak56N 30/KG, Fak56N 30/KG;Src64BPI/+, Src42AE 1/+, Src42AE 1/+;Src64BPI/+and Src42AE 1/+;Src64BPI/PI. Note that Src42AE 1/+and Src42AE 1/+;Src64BPI/+show no significant alteration in NMJ phenotypes when compared to wild-type. Asterisks indicate significant difference by Student's t test (p < 0.05) and error bars represent the standard error of the mean (SEM).

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