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Figure 5 | Neural Development

Figure 5

From: Insm1promotes the transition of olfactory progenitors from apical and proliferative to basal, terminally dividing and neuronogenic

Figure 5

The number of OE progenitors in the cell cycle or S-phase, as well as cell cycle length, is unaltered in Insm1-/-embryos at E12.5. (A) At E12.5 there is no difference in the number of OE cells in the cell cycle (those expressing Ki67; P = 0.91) or in S-phase (those having incorporated bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) 30 minutes after injection; P = 0.29) between Insm1-/-(grey bars) and Insm1+/+littermates (white bars; n = 3 embryo pairs, total of 9 aligned section pairs). (B) The fraction of dividing cells (Ki67+) that are in S-phase (BrdU+), which is indicative of cell cycle length, does not differ between Insm1-/-mice and their Insm1+/+littermates (P = 0.11). Cell cycle length does not differ among genotypes when considering all progenitors (apical + basal; P = 0.11) or only the basal ones (P = 0.19). (C) For BrdU incorporation, a larger data set (n = 6 embryo pairs, total of 18 aligned section pairs) also shows no significant difference of cells in S-phase at E12.5 (P = 0.08). Data are presented as mean values ± standard error of the mean (SEM).

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