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Figure 7 | Neural Development

Figure 7

From: The chromatin remodeling factor Bap55 functions through the TIP60 complex to regulate olfactory projection neuron dendrite targeting

Figure 7

E(Pc) mutants yield similar phenotypes to Bap55 mutants. (A, B) E(Pc)-/-DL1 PNs mistarget their dendrites to the anterior glomerulus DA4l (A1), avoiding the posterior glomerulus DL1 (A2), and maintaining the stereotypical L-shaped axon targeting the lateral horn with branches in the mushroom body calyx (B). (C, D) Postmitotic expression of UAS-Bap55 causes a de novo phenotype in E(Pc)-/-DL1 PNs. The dendrites split between DA4l and the anterior medial glomerulus DM6 (C1), and the axon mistargets ventrally to the lateral horn (white arrow in (D)). (E) Quantification of mistargeting phenotypes for (A, C). Green marks mCD8-GFP-labeled PNs generated by MARCM and labeled using GH146-GAL4. (A, C) show partial confocal stacks; (B, D) show full confocal stacks; magenta is the presynaptic marker nc82; symbols are as in Figure 2. Scale bars: 20 μm in (A) (for A, C) and (B) (for B, D).

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